Ali Hylton
Ali is a Texas-based synesthetic artist with a love for storytelling and turning life experiences into art. She is the producer of the audio dramas Dining in the Void, Human Error, and is working on several upcoming shows such as Written in Stardust and Fallen Memories.
They are a composer for shows such as Dining in the Void, Someone Dies in this Elevator, SHIFTS (Season Two) and HUBRIS: A 24 Hour Podcast Project. Ali has also written for the shows HUBRIS and Novitero and is a producer for the networks Zebulon Podcasts and The Shadow Network.You can find them on Podchaser, on Twitter @MissAliHylton, and on Spotify.
Dining in the Void
Dining in the Void
Human Error
Joy to the WorldDIRECTOR
Dining in the Void
Human Error
11th Hour: The City of StatuesWRITER
Dining in the Void
Human Error
HUBRIS: Twisted Wishes
HUBRIS: The Dance of the Seasons
HUBRIS: To Dream Once More
HUBRIS: On and On You'll Sail
HUBRIS: To Stardust and Back
Joy to the World: Always Winter, Sometimes Christmas
11th Hour: The City of StatuesCOMPOSER
Dining in the Void
Human Error
HUBRIS: Twisted Wishes
HUBRIS: The Dance of the Seasons
HUBRIS: To Dream Once More
HUBRIS: On and On You'll Sail
HUBRIS: To Stardust and Back
HUBRIS: Chatterbot
Someone Dies in this Elevator
SHIFTS (Season Two)
Joy to the World
11th Hour: The City of Statues
Sidequesting: Natural CausesVOICE ACTING
Dining in the Void - R
The Way we Haunt Now - The Apartment
SPECTRE - Strategist 2
HUBRIS: On and On You'll Sail - Flammarion
HUBRIS: To Stardust and Back - Dr. Cordelia Bright
Sidequesting - BertCAMEOS
VAST Horizons - TV Voice
Starfall - Audience Member 2
Tales of the Echowood - Traveler D
Someone Dies in this Elevator - Grunt
When Tower Angels Fall - Rig 6
How I Make Music - Self
You can hear Ali's music on the shows Dining in the Void, Human Error, HUBRIS: A 24 Hour Podcast Project, Someone Dies in this Elevator, SHIFTS (Season Two), Joy to the World, and 11th Hour. If you are interested in hiring Ali as a composer please email her at [email protected] where rates can be discussed.
For business inquires please email Ali at [email protected].